Reporter Asks If He DESERVES The Nobel Peace Prize, What Pres Trump Says Next Is CLASSIC TRUMP

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President Trump held a cabinet meeting at the White House Wednesday and was joined by the press with questions afterwards.

One question in particular is worth noting. (Video Below)

After the meeting, one reporter asked President Trump whether he deserves the Nobel Peace Prize.

His response was classic Trump.

“Everyone thinks so, but I would never say it. You know what I want to do? I want to get it finished. The prize I want is victory for the world. Not for even here. I want victory for the world, cause that’s what we’re talking about. So that’s the only prize I want,” the President responded.

“A lot of things can happen,” he also said. “A lot of good things can happen, a lot of bad things can happen. I believe that we have both sides want to negotiate a deal. I think it’s going to be a very successful deal. I think we have a really good shot at making it successful but lots of things can happen, and, of course, you will be the first to know about it if it does. But I think we have a really good chance to make a great deal for the world.” (Video Below)

“The prize I want is victory for the world.”


We love our President.

Do you think he deserves the Nobel Peace Prize? Let us know what you think.