SCHOOLED: Huckabee Thwarts Feinstein After Accusing Kav Of High School Misconduct

On Thursday, Sen. Diane Feinstein delivered an encore to Democrats’ ludicrous clown show that took part during last week’s Kavanaugh hearings.

In a desperate attempt, Feinstein said she has knowledge of a crime that Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh may have committed while in high school, decades ago.

According to Fox News, Feinstein received a letter back in July from an anonymous female alleging Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct while he was a high school student. Here we go! Looks like Diane is now using the #MeToo tactic to try to bury the Supreme Court Nominee!

Feinstein conveniently decided to release details of the letter to the public on Thursday, right before voting is set to take place. She also said that she gave the letter to federal authorities, asking them to investigate.

Her move comes as Democrats are doing everything they can to delay Kavanaugh’s confirmation vote. However, sources are now saying that the FBI has decided to not press further into investigating the vague letter.

Soon after news broke on Feinstein’s latest trickery, Mike Huckabee responded in classic fashion. See Below

Huckabee slammed Feinstein’s latest desperate circus act with a hilarious tweet that referenced the Chinese Spy that was her driver and office manager for over 20 years.

(Related Article: Feinstein Sitting On Thin Ice After What Just Leaked About Her Chinese Spy)

Mike said, “Breaking wind from CNN! Sen. Feinstein will appear w/ Judge Kavanaugh to release a letter from someone who just remembered something from when he was in high school. She offered to have her Chinese driver bring him to the event.  See Below

Mike Huckabee’s Official Tweet Where He Slammed Feinstein’s Desperate Kavanaugh Attack

Wow! Feinstein got BURNED!

In ending, do you think Democrats have made themselves look pathetic during Kavanaugh’s confirmation process? Scroll down below and let us know!