Video Played At Senate Trial Indicates Biden Mischaracterized Trump’s Charlottesville Remarks

[Joe Biden-- NBC News video screenshot. President Donald Trump-- Twitter video screenshot. Swamp Drain compilation].

Joe Biden, while campaigning in 2020, repeatedly mischaracterized remarks from former President Donald Trump regarding the 2017 rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Biden went as far to even claim that he knew he “had to run” for president after hearing the 45th President say “there were very fine people on both sides”.

During Friday’s impeachment trial, Trump’s lawyer David Schoen played a clip House Democrat managers, who had tried to present to the Senate the “very fine people” hoax. Then he presented to the Senate, President Trump’s full remarks.

Paul Sperry tweeted Friday, “BOMBSHELL: Big 3 TV networks carrying live the Trump impeachment defense forced to finally air FULL remarks of Trump’s Charlottesville remarks CONDEMNING neoNazis, putting the lie to Joe Biden’s repeated mischaracterizations during debates that Trump said they were ‘fine people'”.

Donald Trump Jr. tweeted the video clip of Trump’s lawyer David Schoen playing the clip for the Senate, and wrote, “Destroying the Charlottesville ‘fine people’ hoax.”

“Make sure you watch this all the way through and see if it aligns with what the media told you Trump said. Hint: IT WON’T Today’s media is a disgrace,” he added.

Joe Biden claimed that he knew he “had to run” for president after hearing the 45th President say “there were very fine people on both sides”.

(Related: Biden Peddles ‘Very Fine People On Both Sides’, Even Though Trump Said: “I’m Not Talking About The Neo-Nazis & White Nationalists, Because They Should Be Condemned Totally”)