Herschel Walker Exposes NFL’s Hush Money System To Get Players To Stand

Denver Broncos via The Denver Post and Herschel Walker via FOX Screen Grab and USA For Trump Compilation

Legendary former Dallas Cowboy, Herschel Walker was a great athlete and known back in the day for being a class act around Dallas. He might be “old school” these days, but what he has to say surely hits home to the players of today. And the players would do well to learn from him.

With only a day before the Super Bowl, Herschel was on an episode of Fox and Friends earlier today (Video Below) and discussed the controversey of National Anthem kneeling and what all players should do for the Super Bowl game while all of America watches.

Herschel said:

“Guys want to kneel. Guys want to talk about their First Amendment rights. Well, your First Amendment rights should be, ‘I want to stand up for our military.’ – Herschel Walker

Watch Video Below as Herschel shares a bombshell story about “hush money” the players are being given to stand during National Anthem. Herschel said, “the league gave the players a large sum of money toward their cause. That’s hush money,” he said, adding that players never should have been kneeling in the first place. Fox News reported.

Give a shout out to Herschel if you are happy to see him standing up for standing up during the Anthem!