New Dossier BOMBSHELL Is The Final Nail In Hillary & Obama’s Coffin

Image Source: Right- YouTube Screen Shot, Left- The Sleuth Journal; USA 4 Trump Collaboration

Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch is a REAL AMERICAN HERO.

If it wasn’t for him and his team, the corruption would never be known that stems from the Obama Administration. (VIDEO BELOW)

Sunday, Fitton came forward releasing yet another bombshell.

After the latest revelations about the Christopher Steel dossier paid in full from the DNC and Clinton Campaign, to undermine and smear President Trump, it was proven to be phony according to the memo.

Last week, Sara Carter, rocked the airwaves with dossier #2.

A new and highly redacted document released last Monday by the Senate Judiciary Committee reveals that former British spy Christopher Steele, the man behind the unverified and controversial dossier, wrote an additional memo regarding alleged Russian collusion with President Donald Trump, but the information was largely based on information provided by allies of former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. (VIDEO BELOW)

From Sara Carter:

Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, and Lindsey Graham, R-SC, sent a criminal referral regarding Steele’s involvement in the dossier to the Department of Justice referral January 4. The criminal referral confirms that allies of Clinton and the Obama administration were providing Steele with what they deemed damaging information on then candidate-elect Trump. The Senate Judiciary Committee spent more than a month in talks with the DOJ about what parts of the referral, which was classified Top Secret, should be redacted from the document before it became public.


Now, Tom Fitton just revealed there’s MORE to come!

According to Judicial Watch, a new lawsuit uncovered ANOTHER Russia Dossier used to undermine Donald Trump. Tom Fitton explains that this one was created by Obama State Department.

Fitton says there are now at least 4 Obama/Clinton “get Trump” dossiers.

Watch the EXPLOSIVE video BELOW:

Are you ready to see JUSTICE SERVED? Drop a comment below and let us know, and as always, share the news that the mainstream media won’t.

9 Comments on "New Dossier BOMBSHELL Is The Final Nail In Hillary & Obama’s Coffin"

  1. Mavis A. Sedlak | February 11, 2018 at 9:50 pm |

    I am so sorry to see what is happening in this Country. I have always been proud of the fact our Leaders were honest with integrity and not biased about races and ethnic groups. This all changed during the past 8 years and I am totally crushed and disenchanted. Except for the fact our current President Donald J. Trump has brought decency back to our Capitol. I am proud of the people who were instrumental in getting this out to the public. The mainstream media have done nothing to help. If this dossier proves to be totally true as stated in this article, then the guilty parties must be brought to justice.

  2. Clean the swamp! Thank you for investigating this terrible injustice.

  3. Betty lawson | February 12, 2018 at 5:14 am |

    I would like to know everything in this case

  4. Send them to Gitmo !!!

  5. Justice dept needs to stop procrastinating and prosecute these criminals. All of them. President Trump needs to be able to get on with straightening out our country. This is nonsence! By know everyone knows the real truth. All those criminals in the FBI need to go and go to jail! Mueller is on a downhill run protecting democrats who did break the law. He’s milking the tax payers. He knows the truth. President Trump has nothing to do with this witch hunt. Let’s get it done!!!!!!!

  6. I’m done with people getting away with murder taking money and making it vanish no protection of the system you know anybody just walk in there and wipe their feet any which way they want that’s got to stop and Justice to to be served thank you

  7. I’m done with people getting away with murder taking money and making it vanish no protection of the system you know anybody just walk in there and wipe their feet any which way they want that’s got to stop and Justice to to be served thank you

  8. There is a need for the AMERICAN People to see justice be done to those who have tried to destroy the fabric of our Democracy.These people are not AMERICANS and they need to be prosecuted and put in jail.Thank you President Trump and God Bless you for keeping your promise to make America Great Again and draining the swamp.

  9. Katie Sullivan | March 4, 2018 at 1:05 am |

    What the hell us wrong with Jeff Sessions?? He needs to resign and let someone else who is not scared of the Clintons and Rosenstein do the job and start putting these criminals up for indictments and stop Mueller from running this bogus special counsel against our President! This swamp runs so deep it is an embarrassment to our country and is filled with criminals it makes me sick!!!!!

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