TRUMP HAS DONE IT! You Gotta See What Is Making Him Do A Happy Dance

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President Trump is IN CONTROL and unconcerned!

POTUS has a whopping 93% favorable rating according in the 2018 CPAC – Washington Times poll! This news should make all American’s stand up and cheer! (VIDEO BELOW)

In addition, as reported by The Washington Times, Jim McLaughlin who ran the poll, said “The conservative movement has found a new leader.” 

President Trump took to twitter to thank America after the results came in:


“50% say President Trump should Tweet MORE or SAME (funny!). 79% say Republicans in Congress should do a better job of working with President Trump (starting to happen).” (See Below)

Also, during President Trump’s speech, he took a poll with the audience.

He asked the crowd which they would rather give up: the Second Amendment or the massive Tax Cuts? The crowd ate it up, and POTUS ended it with the Second Amendment! It was GREAT!

Read more below Video:

The 2018 CPAC Poll revealed not only a 93% approval rating but also, an amazing 48% said they think Trump tweets are just right! 37% said he should tweet less because it steps over his message.

The Washington Times also revealed, “They not only back Mr. Trump, but increasingly want Congress to follow his lead. A striking 79 percent said the GOP majorities in the House and Senate should be doing more to support the president — up from the 67 percent in last year’s poll.”

In addition, The Washington Times continued, “Just 4 percent of the conservatives said Congress should try to stymy Mr. Trump’s agenda.”

Also, “CPAC attendees also took a generally dim view of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s ongoing investigation, with 60 percent saying he’s been unfair — and most of those people saying he’s been “very” unfair. Just 21 percent said Mr. Mueller has been fair in his probe.”

In ending, to watch Morning Joe painfully admit POTUS is adored by America click here! Drop a comment below, and let us know if you believe these polls have always been more accurate and represent America!