President Trump Successfully Strengthens Relations With America’s Governors In The Best Way

Our President is on full throttle! He is keeping the America First agenda roaring at a fast pace! On Monday morning, he had the nation’s Governors full attention and had quite a day planned for them.

After enjoying a great time at the Governor’s ball Sunday night, it’s time to get to work for America!

Below, was the Governor’s agenda for the day at the White House.

The Governors were in town for a winter meeting of the National Governors Association, a bipartisan organization founded in 1908. Thirty-three of the Nation’s governors are Republicans, 16 are Democrats, and one is an Independent. Of the 16 Democrats, 11 joined the President on Monday.

The governors attended 8 working sessions with senior Administration officials, with topics including:

  • Improving investment in American infrastructure
  • Addressing barriers to workforce development
  • Bringing down healthcare costs through better competition
  • Driving rural prosperity and growth
  • Combating America’s opioid crisis
  • Reforming U.S. prisons to reduce repeat offenses
  • Keeping our schools safe and protecting children from violent crime

They certainly had their plates full! Cheers to a productive day to drive America’s agenda home to our States!


To watch President Trump honor our Governor’s at the Ball. Watch the video below.  

In ending, if you would like to give a shout out to all the Governor’s who attended then contact them here. In ending, five of the Democrats did not attend. Does anyone care to guess who they might be? Drop your comment below and let us know!

1 Comment on "President Trump Successfully Strengthens Relations With America’s Governors In The Best Way"

  1. I think the goverors who did not attend should not get one dime of money for any-
    Thing. I think they should make the first move to talk. The people are behind our
    President Trump and he has the best interests of the USA at heart and the people
    The democrats should understand that that
    When they disagree with someone that that person knows who is friendly and who is an obstructionist.

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