SARAH-STRUCK: Reporter Pestered Sarah Like A Fly & Instantly Got SWATTED DOWN

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Just another day at the office for Sarah Sanders! She handles the press corp like a PRO. Each and every time!

Today, she swatted Bloomberg’s White House reporter, Justin Sink like an annoying fly buzzing around for no good reason!

It appears the Bloomberg reporter had a story idea in his head already. And all he needed was Sarah to agree with him. Then he could go ahead and roll with the story line that the White House was negligent with security clearances. The only problem, was – Justin Sink forgot who he was dealing with!

For the last two weeks or so, Sarah has been saying the same thing about security clearances with out fail. It’s as if Sink of Bloomberg were absent the last two weeks and decided to ask the same tired question again and again. After Sink accused Sarah of being negligent. Sarah smacked him down with these words!

“I haven’t been hesitant. I’ve been very clear that we don’t discuss security clearances. That’s not changing today. It didn’t change yesterday. It’s not going to change tomorrow or next week.”


Sink then tried to accuse her again, and with out hesitation, Mrs. Sanders shot back,

“I didn’t say that. I said I’m not going to discuss security clearances with members of the press. That hasn’t been any different at any point in the administration. We have no intention of changing that right now.”

To watch the exchange in FULL. See the video below! 


In closing, if you think Sanders is doing an OUTSTANDING job as Press Secretary then drop a comment below! Click HERE to see more of Sarah!

2 Comments on "SARAH-STRUCK: Reporter Pestered Sarah Like A Fly & Instantly Got SWATTED DOWN"

  1. Sarah’s beyond fantastic! Difficult to find enough words to describe what a great job she is doing. She’s “sharp as a tack”!

  2. I think Sarah should once in awhile walk off the podium and grab one of the PENCIL NECK CRY BABIES BY THE THROAT AND SMACK THE SH T OUT OF THEM.

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