Candace Owens’ Brutal Reality Bomb Sends Crooked H & Obama Back To Their Dem Plantation

Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Candace Owens, via 60 min Screen Shot, Fox Screen Shot and US4Trump Compilation

On Sunday, Turning Point USA’s Communications Director, Candace Owens, was on Fox and Friends to discuss the possibility of a race relations summit is rumored to be in the works.

Owens has been in the national sportlight after Kanye West backed up her up after she made statements directed at Black Lives Matter, that you can read more about HERE. West followed up with, “I love the way candance owens thinks,” and immediately got condemned from the leftist forces that be. Video Below

On Sunday’s Fox and Friends, Owens specifically targeted Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for, what she considers to be, 8 years of divisive rhetoric that has caused America to regress in the area of equality. Owens said:

“It’s been so black and white, the conversation, and I blame [Barack] Obama. His eight years in office did a lot of damage in terms of race relations in this country.”

Owens then turned her attention to Hillary Clinton and said:

“Hillary [Clinton] didn’t help much when she kept calling everybody racist and sexist, so the language has changed and the rhetoric has changed.” Video Below


Owens voiced her support for a potential race relations summit and if it does take place, Kanye West should attend.

While running for office, one of President Trump’s campaign promises was to heal the racial divide, which many have argued he is already fulfilling. So the prospects of a summit are very high, and could be exactly what this country needs to positively move forward.