Tom Fitton Fires A Shot That Has The Walls Of Mueller’s Witch Hunt Caving In

Tom Fitton, America’s watch dog has weighed in on the hot topic of the newly released Strzok-Page anti-Trump texts.

The President of Judicial Watch joined Harris Faulkner in an explosive interview! (VIDEO BELOW.) 

Fitton calls it like he sees it.

If anyone can see the whole picture it would be Tom Fitton. Judicial Watch and it’s team are responsible for the Freedom of Information Act lawsuits.

They have received the mountains of information needed to piece this tale of Government overreach together.

Furthermore, they brought it to the American people along with Congress.  

The politicization of the DOJ and FBI and the FISA abuse scandal occurred during the Obama-era.

Fitton reviewed what happened. He tells us how the FISA court was used in order to obtain a warrant to spy on American citizen, Carter Page. (VIDEO BELOW.)

Specifically, Fitton tells America exactly what he thinks needs to be done.

Fitton told Harris Faulkner of FOX News, “Frankly, …we need to hold Mr. Mueller accountable for what went on here because these are the cops that made Mueller’s case.”

And without Strzok, without Page. Without this illicit activity related to the DNC dossier. Without the illegal targeting of Carter Page,” Fitton made a list and continued. (VIDEO BELOW.) 

Additionally, he said, “In my view – you wouldn’t have the Mueller Investigation.”

“And so any other prosecution marred by this misconduct – by the investigators – would be SHUT DOWN.” – Tom Fitton, President Judicial Watch

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In closing, do you agree that the Mueller probe should be SHUT DOWN?