Abuse Specialist Just Drilled Dr. Ford & Gave Her A Lesson She Won’t Ever Forget

Schiff, GrahamFox Video Screen ShotThe Hill Video Screen Shot

This is HUGE. Ford is on Capitol Hill and gave her testimony and she laid the golden egg…Ford admitted Dianne Feinstein’s office refereed her Attorney’s to her!

That’s right! Instead of getting abuse help for Christine, Feinstein’s office gave her an Attorney’s name to go get a polygraph test! (VIDEO BELOW.)

Ford’s Attorney’s were hired by Ford on request of Dianne Feinstein’s office!

Christine confirmed that it was the Katz Firm that Feinstein’s office referred her to call when she reported the abuse.

The Attorney’s then paid for the polygraph test.

Rachel Mitchell, who is asking questions of Ford instead of the Republican Senator’s then asked if Christine knew that the people she had named ALL deny the incident happened?

Christine acknowledged that she was aware of their statements and that they do not have any memory or knowledge of the incident. (VIDEO BELOW.)

Christine is confused why no one had the same memory she had.

Under penalty of a felony for lying to Congress – the three people Christine said were there – besides Kavanaugh – have ALL stated they don’t have a clue what Ford is talking about.

Her friends, from 36 years ago are Leland Keyser, PJ Smythe and Mark Judge.

Rachel asked Christine about why they would not know about it. And one by one Christine told why she thinks they would not remember. (VIDEO BELOW.)

First, she said that Leland was downstairs during the event and Christine had never told her about it. So she wouldn’t know.

Then she said PJ wouldn’t remember it because “nothing remarkable happened to them that evening they were downstairs.”

Then Christine said that “Mr. Judge was a different story. I would expect that he would remember.”

One thing is certain SOMEONE has a bad memory. (VIDEO BELOW.)

WATCH as Ford admits Feinstein’s office turned her on to her Attorney’s and as Ford throws her classmates under the bus.