Herridge Reveals How The ‘Dossier Echo Chamber Effect’ Is Backfiring On All Who Created It

[Image source: Fox News video screenshot.]

Catherine Herridge, Chief Intelligence correspondent for Fox News said on Monday that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is facing growing pressure to testify on Capitol Hill.

This comes after The New York Times released a bombshell report about Rosenstein discussing recording President Trump. (Video Below)

Catherine Herridge reports that the House Committee and Justice Department failed to agree on terms for Rod Rosenstein’s testimony on Capitol Hill last week.

Some House Republicans are insisting on a transcribed interview under oath as opposed to a more informal briefing with no paper trail. (Related Article: Jordan Charges Forward, Issues A Warning To Rosenstein For Refusing To Talk)

During the weekend, House Judiciary Committee Chair, Bob Goodlatte, said he is considering compelling Rosenstein’s testimony.

Goodlatte stated it is essential that the committee talks to Rosenstein. However Rosenstein has not agreed to a transcribed interview on the record, but Goodlatte said he needs to agree to do it. (Video Below)

“If he does not agree to do it very soon, I will issue a subpoena for him to appear.” Goodlatte said bluntly during an interview on Fox News.

Catherine also mentioned the President on declassifying surveillance records with the FBI and DOJ from the 2016 election. The President tweeted that he was going to release them, but backed off after a meeting with Rosenstein. (Related Article: Before Releasing Docs, Trump Makes A Move That Will Leave The Swamp Sweating)

Herridge quoted Congressman John Ratcliffe who said on Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo, “The records contain exculpatory evidence that undercuts the pretext for opening the Russia probe in 2016.” (Video Below)

“Declassifying them would not expose any national security information. It would not expose any sources and methods. It would expose certain folks at the Obama DOJ and FBI, and their actions, their actions taken to conceal material facts from the foreign intelligence surveillance court.” Rep. John Ratcliffe said.

(Related Article: Ratcliffe Provides More Key Evidence That Proves The FISA Application Was Rigged)

Further, Glen Simpson, the co-founder of Fusion GPS is under a subpoena to appear on Capitol Hill on Tuesday, and he plans to plead the 5th.

Herridge also noted that five separate sources worked through other government agencies or fed the dossier directly to the FBI, before and after the 2016 election.

“Critics call this the dossier echo chamber effect.” Catherine said.

Meaning, every additional source lending additional credibility to what was opposition research was ultimately used as intelligence by the FBI. (Video Below)

Rep. Jim Jordan also tweeted on Monday, “We are bound and determined to subpoena whoever we have to so we get answers and have a Justice Department that prosecutes people who deserve it.”

He added, “Still haven’t received from DOJ: -McCabe memos -Rosenstein 8/2/17 memo altering scope of Mueller probe -Unredacted Page FISA App -Bruce Ohr 302’s -Briefing from US Attorney John Huber And now Rosenstein won’t testify and Glenn Simpson takes the 5th.”

Watch Below Catherine Herridge reports:


It’s time to declassify so the American people know the truth. Do you agree? Let us know what you think in the comments below.