After Gillum Retracts His Concession, DeSantis Issues A Brilliant Reaction

While President Donald J. Trump is in France celebrating Armistice and Veterans Days, our southern most State, Florida is busy trying to count suddenly found votes after the election.

The effort that Florida is exhibiting, basically, reeks of, well, election theft. The Democrats lose and they will do ANYTHING to try and win it back and Ron DeSantis strikes back in a BRILLIANT speech! (VIDEO BELOW.)

When the cat is away…the mice will play.

President Trump tweeted this morning from Europe, “Trying to STEAL two big elections in Florida! We are watching closely!”

The President is letting the Democrats know – they are not flying under the radar on this Gubentorial/Senate Florida election theft attempt.

The two Democrats with socialist platforms were reported to be pro-allowing-illegal-votes in the Florida 2018 midterms.

The Daily Wire reported, “Lawyers for Florida Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum and U.S. Senate candidate Bill Nelson fought on Friday to allow a non-citizen’s vote to count in the state’s election races.” (VIDEO BELOW.)

Gillum (D) lost against Ron DeSantis (R) in the race for Governor in Florida. He retracted his concession speech as boxes of new votes are “found”. DeSantis’ response is BRILLIANT.

“Democrat Andrew Gillum withdrew his concession to Republican former Rep. Ron DeSantis in the Florida governor’s race on Saturday,” CNN reported.

Now that boxes of votes are showing up in Florida by the truck loads, Gillium would like to pretend there is no Florida law that the race actually ended already. And he LOST.

Ron DeSantis said, “those results are CLEAR and UNAMBIGUOUS just as they were on election night. I am honored by the TRUST that Floridians have placed in me to SERVE as your next GOVERNOR.” (VIDEO BELOW.)

WATCH DeSantis react to Guilliam’s retraction of his concession speech to DeSantis. 

Gillium’s retraction speech on Saturday.