After Trying To Wreck Sarah’s Press Briefing, Watch Acosta Get STEAM ROLLED

Image Source: USA 4 Trump

Tuesday during the White House press briefing, Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders chewed up the crooked liberal press and spit them out.

Time and time again she proves exactly why she is the BEST at what she does. (VIDEO BELOW)

The press tries to discredit and smear the President and his administration on a daily basis, not giving a single iota about the achievements the President is accomplishing for all Americans.

But, Sarah the genius she is, knocks them down, putting them right in their well deserved places.

Tuesday, John Kelly said that some undocumented immigrants were “too afraid” or “too lazy” to sign up for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

“There are 690,000 official DACA registrants and the President sent over what amounts to be two and a half times that number, to 1.8 million,” he said on Capitol Hill after meeting with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, according to audio posted by The Washington Post(VIDEO BELOW)

“The difference between 690 and 1.8 million were the people that some would say were too afraid to sign up, others would say were too lazy to get off their asses, but they didn’t sign up,” Kelly added.

During the briefing, Jim Acosta from CNN, was all to eager to take a jab at President Trump’s Chief of Staff, John Kelly after the recent remark he made about DACA.

Jim dove right in asking Sarah if Kelly’s remarks were wildly offensive while spinning it just as CNN would do. (VIDEO BELOW)

Sarah shot back at his idiotic question saying, “the only person that’s actually offered a solution is this administration. The president’s been a champion of giving 1.8 million DACA recipients and DACA eligible people a pathway to citizenship and he’s laid out a plan and a solution that actually addresses both Republicans and Democrats concerns. I think it’s hard to argue with that.”

Sarah is absolutely right. President Trump is the only one who is actually trying to find a pathway for the DACA solution, while the Democrats are more interested in resisting anything he does or presents to the table.

Jim tried again like a child trying to ask again if Kelly’s statement was offensive. Oh poor Jim and his hurt feelings.

Sarah ultimately checked him again telling him that he should decide for himself if it’s offensive. Now go sit in the corner with your pacifier Jim.

Watch Sarah shut down Jim Acosta and pay no mind:

Jim Acosta needs to go. His bias and hatred for President Trump and his administration is overwhelmingly obviously and basically old. Do you think Sarah should quit calling on him? Let us know in the comments below and SHARE!

1 Comment on "After Trying To Wreck Sarah’s Press Briefing, Watch Acosta Get STEAM ROLLED"

  1. Is Acosta trying for a Pulitzer Prize for STUPIDITY?

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