What Podesta Just Admitted SOLIDIFIES Russians Weren’t Responsible For Hillary’s Defeat

John Podesta and Hillary Clinton via CNN and Downtrend and USA for Trump Compilation

CBS’s Nancy Cordes on Face The Nation invited Podesta for an interview this weekend! And Nancy laid it on thick as to why the Russian trolls knew to go for the battleground States, but the Hillary Clinton campaign didn’t!

Podesta was the former campaign manager for the failed Hillary Clinton bid for the 2016 Presidency. Additionally, it is hilarious to watch him try to lie his way out! h/t Daily Caller.

Nancy Cordes began the interview with the hard hitting question:

How is it that these Russian operatives knew to focus on Purple States like Michigan and Wisconsin and your campaign didn’t?”

Podesta tried heartily to defend his campaign management skills. It didn’t work because he was defending himself with a lie. He stated, “Of course we spent a lot of time and energy and effort in all those states.”

Interestingly, Cordes was not going to allow him to shimmy down the interview road with that crock! She called him out by saying, “Hillary Clinton did not spend much time.”(Video Below)

Podesta, with all of his bag of tricks tried to redeem himself once again and shot back with, “We had Tim Kaine, Barack Obama, and she spent enormous time in Pennsylvania and Michigan. We spent a lot of effort, we had staff in Wisconsin that even President Obama had in 2012.”

Really Podesta? What did a 2012 run for Obama have to do with Hillary’s inability to recognize the importance of the Purple battleground States?

(Video Below)

Check out Podesta flailing on about Russian trolls knowing more than himself on Face The Nation!

Purple States matter!

“Clinton did not visit Wisconsin at all during the campaign. By contrast, Trump visited the State five times during the last three months of the campaign.”

Keep in mind, although, the Russian trolls affected less than a half of a percent of Facebook users, to hear the Dems tell it, the trolls changed the outcome of the election!

Perhaps, it is best if the Democrats just admit their FAILED campaign is the reason they lost and that President Donald J. Trump simply outmaneuvered them. And he went the extra step by doggedly visiting the Purple States!

In ending, click HERE to see who allowed the Russian trolls into America in the first place, and when! Also, if you find it amusing that the Russian Trolls were able to outwit the Hillary Clinton campaign by focusing on battleground States unlike Hillary, then drop a comment below.