NUNES STRIKES AGAIN! What He Just Revealed Is Going Make Obama Hide Under The Table

Image Source: Left-American Thinker Right-Deusnexus; Edited and Collaborated by USA 4 Trump

Who wants to know for sure if Obama was complicit in the Russia dossier? Let’s not all raise our hands at once. There are a couple of patriotic American’s who are in-fact after that specific information.

Likewise, American’s will know the answers on March 5th!

According to Sara Carter, she has an amazing article entitled, Nunes Demands Answers from Senior Obama Officials on Steele Dossier  How much did Obama know about the dossier before Jan. 5th 2017?

In the article, Sara explains that Devin Nunes, Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee was a busy bee yesterday.

He sent numerous letters to find out WHAT Obama knew and WHEN he knew it.

Nunes did not disclose to whom the letters were sent. Not to mention, this is precisely, what Sebastian Gorka wanted to know on February 9th. (See more below)

Gorka tweeted, “What did President Obama know? WHEN DID HE KNOW IT?” 

Inquiring minds want to know the answers to the questions below:

(See Below)

The Questions: These are the 10 questions Nunes sent to be answered. To see them in PDF format please click page 1 and page 2.

  1. When and how did you first become aware of any of the information contained in the Steele dossier?
  2. In what form (s) was the information in the Steele dossier presented to you? By whom? (Please describe each instance.)
  3. Who did you share this information with? When? (Please describe each instance.)
  4. What official actions did you take as a result of receiving the information contained in the Steele Dossier?
  5. Did you convene any meetings with the intelligence community and/or law enforcement communities as a result of the information contained in the Steele dossier?
  6. When did you first learn or come to believe that the Steele dossier was funded by a Democrat-aligned entity?
  7. Also, When did you first learn or come to believe that the Steele dossier was funded by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and or Hillary for America. (Clinton Campaign)?
  8. When did you first become aware that the Steele dossier was used to obtain a FISA order on Carter Page?
  9. Was President Obama briefed on any information contained in the dossier prior to January 5, 2017?
  10. Did you discuss the information contained in the Steele dossier with any reporters or other representatives of the media? If so, who and when?

Who will protect Obama now?

Earlier this month, Mr. Nunes claimed that the FISA abuse was just the “tip of the iceberg.”  Clearly, he was telling the TRUTH!

Devin Nunes along with Trey Gowdy have done more for exposing the corrupt Obama-era shenanigans than many other in Congress.

If you would like give a shout out to Devin then click HERE. Without question, Mr. Nunes deserves our heart felt THANKS for all he is doing and enduring. In ending, drop a comment below and let us know if you can’t wait until March 5th to see what the answers will be!

(h/t Sara Carter)

5 Comments on "NUNES STRIKES AGAIN! What He Just Revealed Is Going Make Obama Hide Under The Table"

  1. Thank you for your determination to find out the whole truth! It is sickening to see how corrupt these career Democratic politicians are AND how they will lie, cheat, steal and kill to win to continue their corruption! THEY ARE EVIL!!!! TAKE THEM DOWN, PLEASE! THEY ARE ANTI-AMERICAN! THANK YOU!!!

  2. I am clapping my hands and shouting with this major announcement!! Lock his ass up in Guantanamo Bay!! WITHOUT POSSIBLE PAROLE!!! I cant wait!’

  3. They are all going to get together and come up with the same answers to protect the quilty

  4. Thank you Mr Nunez for all you have to to arrest and convict these known treasonous people and there coup! GITMO for all!They are just SoooEvil!

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