Media Throws TANTRUM After Sarah UNLEASHES Exactly How Trump Out-Witted Schiff

Image Source: USA 4 Trump

Friday during the White House press briefing, Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders stepped to the podium to answer a number of questions from the liberal press pool.

She never fails to disappoint with her savage approach. (VIDEO BELOW)

After the historic announcement Thursday evening, where President Trump accepted Rocket Man’s invitation to meet, the press pool was itching in their seats to discredit and create false narratives once again, but Sarah lit the room up destroying the press one by one and dropped a stick of TRUTH DYNAMITE.

For the first time in a long time, the United States is actually having conversations from a position of strength, not a position of weakness like the one North Korea finds itself in, due to the maximum pressure campaign. President Trump will ultimately become the first U.S. sitting President to meet with North Korea.

A lot of our allies and partners like China, South Korea, and Japan have stepped up and done infinitely more over the past year due to the President’s leadership, than they have in the previous administrations. So this is a collective effort to put that pressure on North Korea.

President Trump tweeted after the announcement Thursday night: “Kim Jong Un talked about denuclearization with the South Korean Representatives, not just a freeze. Also, no missile testing by North Korea during this period of time. Great progress being made but sanctions will remain until an agreement is reached. Meeting being planned!” (VIDEO BELOW)

Sarah explained that this meeting won’t take place without concrete actions that match the promises that have been made by North Korea. 

She added that, “President Trump is hopeful that we can make some continued progress. What we know is that the maximum pressure campaign has clearly been effective.” 

However during the briefing, Kristen Welker from NBC, threw a fit for NOT knowing ahead of time that the announcement was coming.

She implied that the announcement was disorganized and chaotic.

“Top officials at the White House and the Pentagon seem to be taken by surprise by the announcement. Was this done in a haphazard way?” Kristen asked.

The Press Secretary held back her laughter and once again made her look like a complete fool.

“This has been part of an ongoing campaign that’s been going on for over a year, and just because some of the individuals they may have regularly leaked to the press weren’t involved in the conversation doesn’t mean that the appropriate parties that leave those agencies were not in the room and not part of that discussion,” Sarah responded. (VIDEO BELOW)

Boom! Sarah basically told Kristen:

“You Didn’t Know Because No One Leaked It To You!”

Adam Schiff is one of the biggest leakers in the media and buddy buddy with the press. Apparently ‘Little Adam’ DIDN’T get the memo either and wasn’t able to leak it to Kristen Welker. 

These poor propagandists try so hard, never giving up, but they keep getting their behinds handed to them by Sarah. HA! The media is incredibly arrogant. They seem to feel that they have the right to control information.

 Watch Sarah knock it out of the park below:

Certainly the crooked liberal media is eating crow at this point, and they can’t stand it. The President knows exactly what he is doing, and the press hates it. This is BOLD LEADERSHIP from our Commander in Chief.

Drop a comment below if you are proud of Sarah and President Trump.

1 Comment on "Media Throws TANTRUM After Sarah UNLEASHES Exactly How Trump Out-Witted Schiff"

  1. Barbara Regan | March 11, 2018 at 6:28 pm |

    Sarah Huckabee Sanders is BRILLIANT !

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