Pres Trump Just SLAPPED Obstructing Chuck & Nancy With Brutal Message They Won’t Forget

Image Source: USA 4 Trump

President Donald Trump spoke to a crowd in Manchester, New Hampshire about the terrible opioid crisis that faces our nation on Monday.

During his speech, the President slapped obstructing Democrats for not supporting his border wall proposal, accusing the Democrats of using DACA as a campaign issue. (Video Below)

The President was speaking about the opioid crisis and steps to prevent and take action to help America.

He took a shot at obstructing dems [Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Chuck Schumer (D-NY)] who pretend to care about DACA only when it’s convenient for them, and who only use it to gain votes with their party politics.

“The second part of our initiative is reduce the supply of illicit drugs,” President Trump said. “90 percent of the heroin in America comes from our southern border, where eventually the Democrats will agree with us and will build the wall to keep the damn drugs out.”

“It’s pretty amazing. They don’t want to go with DACA because they don’t care about DACA, but they’re trying to tie the wall to DACA and DACA to the wall. They want to keep DACA for the campaign instead of getting it approved, which we could do very easily, President Trump declared. (Video Below)

The President continued, “The Republicans are totally in favor of doing something substantial for DACA, but the Democrats like it as a campaign issue so they don’t get it approved, and they want to tie it to the wall, which is okay with me.“

“But, both should get approved. They don’t want it to be approved. Remember what I said, they don’t want it to be approved. They want to make it part of the campaign. Well, we’ll make it part of the campaign also and we’ll win because we’re going to win on those issues.”

The crowd erupted in cheers and chanted “Build the Wall!” (Video Below)

President Trump is SPOT ON! Time to get on board dems.

When President Trump visited California to look at the border wall prototypes, hundreds of supporters rallied in support of the President’s visit and were chanting “Build that wall!” Check it out; READ HERE.

1 Comment on "Pres Trump Just SLAPPED Obstructing Chuck & Nancy With Brutal Message They Won’t Forget"

  1. This is probably the only thing on which Trump’s base disagrees with him. We DO NOT WANT DACA APPROVED. We do not want ANY of them to be allowed to stay here. We want ANY and ALL illegals deported immediately. We are TIRED of supporting them and educating them. The illegals are STEALING American life, they are STEALING American money, they are STEALING education that American-born citizens should be getting, and they are STEALING American jobs and housing, and STEALING American citizenship. Get them all out of here. If they protest, tell them to go protest in front of their parents’ houses.

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