After Reporter Blamed Fox News For Trump Securing Border, WATCH Sarah Roast Her

Image Source: Video screen shots. Edited by USA 4 TRUMP

Wednesday, during the White House briefing, Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was on a roll once again.

She is a force not to reckon with, and the liberal press never learns. (Video Below)

First Kirstjen Nielsen, Homeland Security Secretary, addressed the press letting them know that the WH is taking measures to secure the border by sending the military to guard the U.S.-Mexico border.

President Trump is signing a proclamation to send the National Guard to the border. He is committed to protecting the security of America.

This will stop border crossings, traffickers, gangs, and illegal drugs. Many who have crossed have learned to claim asylum and have found ways to stay in America with loopholes.

Then, as Sarah was taking questions from the press, Cecilia Vega, senior White House correspondent for ABC News asked Press Secretary Sarah a really off the wall question during the briefing, and Sarah ROASTED her.  (Video Below)

Cecilia asked Sarah, “This sense of urgency to send the National Guard to the border…does this have anything to do with a report that the President saw on Fox News?

Is this reporter serious? Yes. She really asked that, and Sarah let her have it.

(Video Below)

Sarah held back her laughter at the dumb question, then shot back embarrassing Cecilia with some common sense.

“I think it has everything to do with protecting the people of this country,” Sarah stated.

Sarah continued, “I don’t think this comes as a surprise that the President has been talking about securing the border since he started on the campaign trail.” (Video below)

“He wanted to work with Congress. He asked them to do their job. He asked them to pass legislation that would actually close loop holes- that would actually secure our border, that would build the wall. He asked them to do a number of things. They failed time and time again. The President is making sure that in between… Congress actually doing something, he’s doing what he can… to protect the people,” Sarah declared.

“Democrats can’t actually show up and do their job,” Sarah concluded.

WATCH Sarah in action below:


Sarah is spot on once again, making Cecilia Vega look like an idiot with her biased, off the wall question. It appears the liberal press is becoming more ignorant by the day.

Do you think Sarah and President Trump are doing a great job? Let us know in the comments below.

21 Comments on "After Reporter Blamed Fox News For Trump Securing Border, WATCH Sarah Roast Her"

  1. Jacqueline Lucke | April 4, 2018 at 5:45 pm |

    Thanks Sara, I don’t know how you keep your cool. But you do a great job of putting those reporters, or so called reporters in their respective place. Thank you for setting them straight. They will never report the truth. I can’t believe how stupid some of these people are.

  2. Lv u Sarah help trump get the border secure. I want to be able to sleep at night and feel safe I am proud of my president keep going sir we are behind u.

  3. You are the gal. Good job, like always???

  4. Defend America | April 5, 2018 at 6:53 am |

    Great job Sarah. Democrats and some so called Republicans want do one came thing to protect the American people. Time to vote them out come 2018.

    My heart goes out to the refugees that truly needs protection but we must this of our citizens first. If these refugees truly wanted peace they would stay in their own country and fight. They would ask America and other countries to help them fight instead of leaving. Perhaps it is just the welfare they want. Just how many people do they think we can support and where are we going to put them?

  5. Jan Tower | April 5, 2018 at 8:50 am |

    Great job Sarah!

  6. I think the President is doing a great job despite the fact he has to almost go it alone so to speak. God bless President Trump for trying to keep our country safe. And Sarah you are doing a wonderful job. Keep it up.

  7. Great job Mr. President and Sarah keep up doing what you do. You are the words of the President and American people.

  8. Ray Noyes | April 5, 2018 at 4:08 pm |

    Stay the path, keep up the good fight. we are behind you.

  9. Yvonne M Gilbert | April 5, 2018 at 4:38 pm |

    Both are doing a great job, President and Sara. How you do it Sara is beyond me!!

  10. Yvonne M Gilbert | April 5, 2018 at 4:40 pm |

    I did a comment!!!

  11. Kathleen Ulich | April 5, 2018 at 5:15 pm |

    Yes, we finally have a president and a press secretary that are actually doing their jobs. Working for the American people. They are doing a great job. Thank God we have them.

  12. Chiquita Micklatcher | April 5, 2018 at 7:27 pm |

    Way to go Sarah.

  13. Thank you soo much President Trump..for caring not like some. Great job Sarah. Stay strong.

  14. Yes, I support Sarah and the President. The wall must be secured for our safety and also to save on the budget. We as a country must take care of our own first and formost. The welfare should be given to legal citizens of thr USA only. This would cut the budget so much and we could use that money to build the wall.

  15. Love Sarah.
    Intelligent and has the stones to hang the ignorant lying fake news DAILY….

  16. Larry Bradford | April 6, 2018 at 2:21 am |

    Sarah Thank you very much standing your ground at the podium The ediots , from different Media places have no respect , no common sence N B C. ! C B S C N N , M S N B C Very indignant PEOPLE. Thank you for doing a fantastic job God Bless You

  17. Shirley Schmidt | April 6, 2018 at 10:49 am |

    Keep up the great work Sarah along with OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP!!

  18. william stephenson | April 6, 2018 at 11:07 am |

    Sarah, you are the cats meow, hang in there girl.

  19. Josephine Rizzo | April 6, 2018 at 12:32 pm |

    Sara you are doing a great job I don’t know how you keep your cool. Keep going girl love how you cut them to shreds

  20. Robert Ubben | April 6, 2018 at 4:45 pm |

    Sarah is doing a great job in her position,

  21. Sarah, you are the best! Keep slaying it girl!

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