Tom Fitton Makes Jaws Drop After Sick New Discovery About Obama & Soros

Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch exposes the 9 million dollars of tax payer money that went to Soros funded socialist plans in Albania. Feature photo credit to Left-CNBC,, Right-The Right Side Of News. Edited By USA 4 Trump.Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch exposes the 9 million dollars of tax payer money that went to Soros funded socialist plans in Albania. Feature photo credit to Left-CNBC,, Right-The Right Side Of News. Edited By USA 4 Trump.

The awkward moment when you realize your Government is giving away your tax dollars to further along Soros’s world wide socialist plans…

It’s true. Back in 2016, the Obama administration sent 9 million of our tax dollars to “the Justice For All campaign in Albania, which is overseen by Soros’s East West Management Institute”.

This is recently reported by the new documents obtained from Judicial Watch.

Specifically, the goal of the campaign in Albania was to “give the socialist government greater control of the judiciary.” In other words, to install socialist Justices.

Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch sued for the USAID documents.

Additionally, led by Senator Mike Lee (UT-R), six United States senators jumped in the fray and asked Rex Tillerson, then Secretary of State, for the documents. Tillerson’s Department released the documents. (MORE BELOW.) 

See Jaw Breaking tweet about Obama’s Administration Below. 

BREAKING: Judicial Watch obtained 32 pages of records showing that the Obama administration sent U.S. taxpayer funds overseas to a group backed by billionaire George Soros – which used the money to fund left-wing political activities in Albania. (1/11)


The American United Nations Ambassador, Donald Lu is a holdover from the Obama administration. He is the dirty rat who is the glue between our nine million in tax payer dollars. And Soros, Obama, and the socialist party in Albania. (MORE BELOW.) 

Since our money ended up in the hands of the socialist party in Albania, where else did our hard earned money go unbeknownst to us during the Obama years?

According to Judicial Watch, there are pending cases similar to this one. They all involve our tax money; Obama and Soros organizations, and socialist reform in other countries.

Tom Fitton has reported that “Judicial Watch is seeking information regarding Soros’s activities in Macedonia, Romania and Colombia”.

In closing, do you want to see Donald Lu GO?!

Drop a comment below and let us know what you’re thinking about this incredible new development! h/t Judicial Watch

6 Comments on "Tom Fitton Makes Jaws Drop After Sick New Discovery About Obama & Soros"

  1. i personally would love to see soros puppet OBUMMER TRIED FOR TREASON

  2. Yes Obama should be tried for treason, and George Soros needs to be arrested, tried, and put away for good. These both are evil socialists. It is wrong to use your wealth to enslave people.

  3. Suzanne Gamble | April 5, 2018 at 7:29 am |

    Here in UK would love to see them all tried for Treason and we have to thank President Trump for bringing all this to the worlds attention who knows what our own governments have been doing but I wouldn’t put anything past this so called British Government who don’t protect their own people and children.

  4. I think the congress must have been complicit too , nothing goes without Congress signing the final check.

  5. Donald Lu should be gone and all three brought up on charges , put them in jail forever. How dare they steal the tax payers money for their own criminal use

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