Trump Exposes Hillary’s Dirty Laundry After New Revelations Surface: ‘Paid For By Crooked Hillary & DNC!’

President Trump is undoubtedly the most transparent President America has seen in close to 85 years.

Perhaps, since FDR held the “Fireside Chats” from 1933 through 1944. Roosevelt held 30 evening radio programs and spoke directly to the American people. (MORE BELOW.) 

From “Fireside Chats” to social media and Twitter.

President Trump has utilized the same concept to communicate directly with the American people.

However, in today’s modern society – social media is the 45th President’s communication method. Specifically, President Trump has an affection for the Twitter platform.

This morning, President Trump did not disappoint America as he covered many subjects in his transparent style.

Yet, by far, his most intriguing was the three-part tweet regarding the Mueller Probe and how Michael Isikoff has denounced it as a hoax. (MORE BELOW.)

No-one explained it better than President Trump himself.

President Trump tweeted, “Russia Dossier reporter now doubts dopey Christopher Steele’s claims! “When you get into the details of the Steele Dossier, the specific allegations, we have not seen the evidence to support them. There’s good grounds to think that some of the more sensational allegations…..”

“….WILL NEVER BE PROVEN AND ARE LIKELY FALSE.” Thank you to Michael Isikoff, Yahoo, for honesty. What this means is that the FISA WARRANTS and the whole Russian Witch Hunt is a Fraud and a Hoax which should be ended immediately. Also, it was paid for by Crooked Hillary & DNC!” he continued.

In the last tweet, he said, “Michael Isikoff was the first to report Dossier allegations and now seriously doubts the Dossier claims. The whole Russian Collusion thing was a HOAX, but who is going to restore the good name of so many people whose reputations have been destroyed?” See tweets below: