Schumer Claims Biden Will Be ‘Installed As President’ & Urges GOP To ‘Get Over It’ & ‘Work With Us’

[Image source: The Hill Twitter video screenshots. Swamp Drain compilation].

Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) on Sunday, vented his irritation at Republicans who are notably standing with President Donald Trump as litigation and recounts peruse in the wake of the November election.

“The Republicans should [stop] spending all their time saying the election wasn’t legitimate. We know it’s legitimate,” Schumer alleged.

“Republicans, Joe Biden won. Donald Trump lost,” the New York Democratic Senator declared.

“Now work with us to get a COVID bill done, [be]cause that’s the agenda that’s on– that’s the item that’s on the agenda that the America people want and want badly,” he said without mentioning the previous bills Senate Republicans tried to pass, which Democrats twice blocked the Senate from taking up the COVID relief legislation.

“It’s time to move on. The election is over. There wasn’t fraud, there wasn’t anything else,” Schumer insisted. “Six states, swings states, flipped from Trump to Biden. Those six states, each of them, the margin is not even close.”

“No court is gonna overturn this election. Joe Biden will be installed as president,” he claimed. “So Republicans, get over it. Stop spending all your time spreading lies about the election and instead, roll up your sleeves, sit down with us, do a COVID bill that that New York and America needs. No more temper tantrums. No more stomping your feet. Get something done to help New York and get us relief from COVID.” Video Below

Senator Chuck Schumer’s remarks:

On Monday, President Donald Trump declared on Twitter, “I won the Election!”

Twitter added a label to his tweet, claiming that “official sources” called the election differently, though the states have not officially certified a winner yet.

He tweeted the same on Sunday night.

President Trump also announced on Sunday, “I concede NOTHING!”

The president also slammed the “fake news media”:

(Related: Schumer Gets Heckled During Outdoor Press Conference & Confronted Over Previous SCOTUS Remarks: “Jesus Saves!”)